Never a big fan of renting ANYTHING myself. I do so out of need, not because it's 'good sense', far from it. If I put my money into something I want it to mean something, even if it means I have full HHD of games I will never touch again.
There is no way I am willing to put my money towards paying for license fee's either, which is where a good portion of that money is heading to.
If I was able to keep the software and not have to keep plugging money into it, maybe. Personally I play simulators because it's cheaper. If I had to pay 150-200 bucks a year just for the software, I would rather put a new ECU in my car, at least then I get to keep something that I enjoy.
I have been sucked into many monthy MMO's. Eventually with anything you get tired of it and don't want to play and you stop paying the fee, then you cannot access anything that you were once paying for. I have borked out over a grand in USD over the years to play stupid games that I will never see again, unless I give them MORE money, no thanks they can have their monthly fees =).
Cheers Scawen for giving us the ability to 'rewind' and jump to portions of the replay. For the CTRA this is a huge help and will improve the quality our reports, and decrease the amount of time spent on a report
For the CTRA we need to 'find' certain drivers in a replay so the 2D displays would be best if they are always up and visible so we can quickly identify which driver is who, without waiting for the replay controls to disappear.
I also like maximizing the screenspace and personally I like the idea of the replay controls disappearing when the mouse is not moved so the HUD returns to it's original position.
Anything is possible, don't give up hope on LFS having real tracks just yet.
I don't know, the problem with allowing the game developers to manage the league system is, say for instance you have a driver that is continually wrecking someone and will not heed warnings, what will the devs do?
They are now stuck in a conflict of interest. On one side there is the the person that says that this person should be banned. But on the other the developers need to feed their kids so they let the guy off with another warning to keep the driver in the game and paying the monthly fee.
This might be said for many different things, but when a new system, like I-Racing, tries to sell monthly, with NO userbase, they are off the bat going to be very lenient to bolster their numbers, more than likely anyways. I think a monthly subscription fee will work very well, but I find it difficult to put my faith in them just yet =)
I am serious though, don't give up hope for LFS and having the ability for real tracks/cars. We already have a few cars already, tracks must surely come next =) I think the biggest problem is fee's. IIRC the rights to place silverstone in a game is about 40,000 pounds or $80,000 and the devs are not in a position to pay for that.
I think if the community brought some concrete information to the devs about tracks that are willing to let their track be published for free personally I think the devs would love the idea.
Well not to burst your bubble, but there is a thing called insim, which can do pretty much anything you to answer your question yes LFS has the groundwork in place for most anything someone could dream of in terms of league management, just have to have the right skills in place to develop and manage it. As well as the fortitude to stick it out when things look like it might go pear shaped.
my 2p worth. No way I would pay that much a month for something that isn't established. Once they get their feet on the ground it's a possibility, but not before then, I can think of better things to do with my money =) Have a read there and you will see what I am talking about.
That Forza Challange was a farce, if you watch any of the video's they were literally cutting chicanes out, IE cutting across the grass, bouncing all the way at high speed and it was acceptable and encouraged it seemed by the announcers. There was aggressive driving ect, I watched about 10 minutes until I saw them cut across the track on the last lap to try to pass a far superior car. :LAME: in the extreme. It wasn't racing at all. It looked like street punks with too much money on their hands and could be able to rent out a track for the day... I saw little 'driver excelence' and it seemed that everyone was out to impress in one form or another, and it wasn't with their ability to threshold brake either....
That a 944? Out of all the Porsche's from that time frame that was one of the cheapest built and you can get a fully restored 944 for around 10,000 Euro's now with parts cars going as low as just over 100 euro's.
I would be mega pissed too if it had happened to me and I would love to see the people punished, but to say your project car is ruined and has no chance of return just isn't true, unless you want it to be.
Yes it's going to be a lot of work, and money, again, but then isn't that what project cars are for?
I understand where you are coming from, man I would be seething, but your project car is not dead and you should be able to restore the car again.
LOL I would hate to be those pissheads that messed with your car, hopefully the police can do something, that interior has to be littered with prints ect.
One of the risks of running trackdays, but I have to say, that was some bad luck to have the tank rip open like that., at least I am assuming thats what happened when the handlebars tank-slapped.
Get out of your little box of thinking for yourself and think of the bigger picture, I am on about spectators and LFS being used in streams and TV deals, a bit different than your local homegrown server, sorry.
Server side ads for the regular server won't mean much, but with servers and events with substancial userbase the numbers could be significant and bring in a potential to increase the service provided on those servers even farther.
I challenge you, imagine any race event, both LFS and Real life, without quality adverts and banners and ads.
Yes a quality control measure would have to be implemented, but think about it, all the cars would be like normal cars, no stickers, just the paint. BORING
Second think of trackside banners, yes there is a possiblity that they could be tacky and tastless, but on the whole the track wouldn't look like a track without banners pasted everywhere.
Take off all the ads you see at a track and remove them, what would it look like? Promotion within LFS is already present, just look at the cars, buildings, and bilboards the only difference now is that they are REAL banners with REAL companies, and they are PAYING for them, no brainer myself, which if anything would increase the quality on quality servers, and vice versa. It will add character to otherwise exactly the same tracks and the server admins personality can be reflected through the use of adverts, which IMO is a good thing.
I disagree somewhat, LFS IS ready for a mass rollout in it's current stage. It offers some great gameplay and good graphics. It also has some nice unique features. LFS IMO could easily be placed on the market and snatched up. Rock steady connection on the internet, Out of the 5 years I have played LFS I can count on a single hand how many times it has locked on me, which I cannot say about every other commercially available sim out on the market today.
It's not ready because the devs are not happy currently with the current build. It doesn't have the features they would like to see or the content to be considered 'finalized' and because of that they refuse to place it on the market, which is IMO is a good move based on what LFS is trying to accomplish.
IMO LFS is not trying to make X amount of dollars, which lets face it every other game available on the market is about. Sure we pay for LFS, but it's pennies and is just enough so that the devs live comfortably while they produce their love.
Money is the main goal for any product released commerically. If they were not interested in money they wouldn't feel the need to release it in a commercial manner.